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How to Find Balance While Embracing Technology and Work-Life Integration
well being, lifestyle, mental health Teryl Brown well being, lifestyle, mental health Teryl Brown

How to Find Balance While Embracing Technology and Work-Life Integration

In today’s digital age, technology plays a significant role in both our personal and professional lives. While it can sometimes blur the boundaries between work and personal time, when used mindfully, technology can also enable greater work-life integration.

I have a messy relationship with technology. I love being online to unwind, chat, play games, and keep in contact with friends and family. My extended family has become scattered across North America, so it is tough to stay in constant contact with all of them without the help of social media,

However, my work is almost entirely online, as well. This means that I spend countless hours a day behind the screen. It can be exhausting. Sometimes, I crave to just unplug and walk away. So, how do you find a balance?

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